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CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING KELOMPOK 7 Renita lisa aida 1822201073 Muhamad fahri 1822201031 Nurholik 1822201082 Muhamad shofi’I 1822201029   Construction Engineering • Construction engineering is a professional discipline that deals with the designing, planning, construction, and management of infrastructures such as roads, tunnels, bridges, airports, railroads, facilities, buildings, dams, utilities and other projects. • Civil technology is a related field that deals more with the practical aspects of projects. Construction technologists or construction technicians learn some of the design aspects similar to civil engineers and some of the project site management aspects similar to construction managers. These technicians are unique such that they are a cross between civil engineers and construction managers. • At the educational level, civil engineering students concentrate primarily on the design work, which is more analytical, gearing them toward a career as a design professional. This essentially requires them to take a multitude of challenging engineering science and design courses as part of obtaining a 4-year accredited degree. Also, education for construction managers is primarily focused on construction procedures, methods, costs, schedules, and personnel management. Their primary concern is to deliver a project on time, within budget, and of the desired quality. • The difference between a construction technologist and a civil engineer is that civil engineering is an engineering discipline. Construction technology students take basic design courses as well as construction management courses. TRANSLATION • Teknik konstruksi adalah disiplin profesional yang berhubungan dengan perancangan, perencanaan, konstruksi, dan manajemen infrastruktur seperti jalan, terowongan, jembatan, bandara, rel kereta api, fasilitas, bangunan, bendungan, utilitas dan proyek lainnya. • Teknologi sipil adalah bidang terkait yang lebih berhubungan dengan aspek-aspek praktis proyek. Teknisi konstruksi atau teknisi konstruksi mempelajari beberapa aspek desain yang mirip dengan insinyur sipil dan beberapa aspek manajemen lokasi proyek yang mirip dengan manajer konstruksi. Teknisi ini unik sehingga mereka merupakan persilangan antara insinyur sipil dan manajer konstruksi.   NEXT TRANSLATION • Pada tingkat pendidikan, mahasiswa teknik sipil berkonsentrasi terutama pada pekerjaan desain, yang lebih analitis, mengarahkan mereka menuju karir sebagai profesional desain. Ini pada dasarnya mengharuskan mereka untuk mengambil banyak mata kuliah teknik dan desain yang menantang sebagai bagian dari memperoleh gelar terakreditasi 4 tahun. Juga, pendidikan untuk manajer konstruksi terutama difokuskan pada prosedur konstruksi, metode, biaya, jadwal, dan manajemen personalia. Perhatian utama mereka adalah untuk memberikan proyek tepat waktu, sesuai anggaran, dan kualitas yang diinginkan. • Perbedaan antara teknolog konstruksi dan insinyur sipil adalah bahwa teknik sipil adalah disiplin teknik. Mahasiswa teknologi konstruksi mengambil kursus desain dasar serta kursus manajemen konstruksi. WHAT is construction engineering ? Construction engineering is a professional discipline that deals with the designing, planning, construction, and management of infrastructures • WHO does learn some of the design aspect similar to civil engineering ? • Engineers learn some of the design aspect similar to civil engineering • WHERE can civil engineering students apply their learning ? • Civil engineering can apply their learning at their career as a design professional • WHEN do civil engineering students use the construction engineering ? • Civil engineering students usually use the construction at the educational level • WHY are civil engineering students required to take a multitude of challenging engineering science ? • Civil engineering students are required to take a multitute of challenging engineering science in order to deliver a project on time ,within budget,and of the desired quality • HOW do civil eengineering students learn construction engineering ? Civil engineering students learn construction engineering on the design work,which is more analytical ,and also learning on construction procedures,methods,costs,schedules and personnel management.   VERBAL AND NOMINAL IDENTIFICATION No SENTENCES IDENTIFICATION 1 Construction engineering is a professional discipline that deals with the designing, planning, construction, and management of infrastructures nominal 2 Engineers learn some of the design aspect similar to civil engineering verbal 3 Civil engineering can apply their learning at their career as a design professional verbal 4 Civil engineering students usually use the construction at the educational level verbal 5 Civil engineering students are required to take a multitute of challenging engineering science in order to deliver a project on time ,within budget,and of the desired quality verbal 6 Civil engineering students learn construction engineering on the design work,which is more analytical ,and also learning on construction procedures,methods,costs,schedules and personnel management verbal 7 Civil technology is a related field that deals more with the practical aspect of projects. Nominal 8 Construction engineering is a professional discipline that deals with building,designing and planning. Nominal 9 These technicians are unique such that they are a cross between civil engineers and construction managers. Nominal 10 Civil engineer is one who learn civil engineering as an academy discipline. Nominal   ACTIVE AND PASSIVE IDENTIFICATION No SENTENCES IDENTIFICATION 1 Engineers learn some of the design aspects similar to civil engineering ACTIVE Some of the design aspects are learned by engineers similar to civil engineering . PASSIVE 2 Civil engineering can apply their learning at their career as a design professional ACTIVE Their learning can be applied by civil engineering at their career as a design professional PASSIVE 3 Civil engineering students usually use the construction at the educational level ACTIVE The construction is usually used by civil engineer students at the educational level PASSIVE 4 Civil engineering students are required to take a multitute of challenging engineering science in order to deliver a project on time ,within budget,and of the desired quality PASSIVE Professional requires civil engineering students to take a multitute of challenging engineering science in order to deliver a project time within budget and of the desired quality. ACTIVE 5 Civil engineering students learn construction engineering on the design work,which is more analytical ,and also learning on construction procedures,methods,costs,schedules and personnel management ACTIVE Construction engineering is learned by civil engineering students on the design work which os more analytical, and also learning on construction procedures,methods,cost,schedules and personnel management. PASSIVE   TENSES PATTERN INDENTIFICATION No 1 Engineers learn some of the design aspects similar to civil engineering ACTIVE (SIMPLE PRESENT) ENGINEERS (S) , LEARN (V), SOME OF THE DESIGN ASPECTS (O) , SIMILAR TO CIVIL ENGINEERING (ADV OF CONDITION) 2 Civil engineering can apply their learning at their career as a design professional ACTIVE 3 Civil engineering students usually use the construction at the educational level ACTIVE Reason to use tenses The writer WIKIPEDIA uses SIMPLE PRESENT form almost in his writing about the article entitled CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING. According to our group the reason to use SIMPLE PRESENT in this article, because the author wish to explain the current facts about CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING. FROM THE TEN SENTENCES WE IDENTIFICATION :
